Kentucky River Properties owns and manages forestland in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois.
The majority of KRP’s forested acreage is located in eastern Kentucky on the Cumberland Plateau of the Appalachian Mountains. Here, KRP manages nearly 100,000 acres of forestland in Breathitt, Clay, Estill, Harlan, Knott, Floyd, Leslie, Letcher, Perry, and Pike counties.
Species common to KRP’s land are those typical of upland hardwood forests including various upland oak species, maples, hickories, American beech, and yellow-poplar. In 2019, KRP performed a property wide forest inventory and resource assessment which guides KRP’s forest management decision making. KRP is committed to practicing good forest management using sound silviculture and best management practices. As such, KRP employs an in-house forester and manages our property through sustainable, commercial timber harvests.
KRP is a proud member of the Kentucky Forest Industries Association, Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers, Inc., as well as Kentucky Woodland Owners Association.