Hazard, Kentucky Office
The Hazard, Kentucky office of Kentucky River Properties (KRP) is located at 300 Black Gold Boulevard, Hazard, Perry County, Kentucky. The office was established in 1915 and has been the principal office for engineering, geology, timber, oil and gas and legal. The office moved from downtown Hazard in 1993 to a new office building on Black Gold Boulevard.
KRP’s subsidiaries, Timberlands, LLC, KRCC Oil and Gas, LLC, Freedom Energy, LLC, and Liberty Land, LLC are also housed and operate from this office.
The Hazard office staff includes the Chief Engineer, land surveyors, forestry, geology, mine inspectors, land managers, CAD technicians, Legal, along with the Executive Assistants and administrative staff.
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From this office, KRP operates and monitors its holdings in the Central Appalachian Coal Basin primarily in the southeastern Kentucky counties of Perry, Knott, Letcher, Leslie, Breathitt, Clay and Harlan Counties, currently consisting of more than 300,000 acres of surface, mineral, oil and gas and fee properties. Typical coal seams in the basin include multiple seams of high-quality Central App coal with average Btu content of 12,500. Oil and gas development is generally from the Big Lime and Devonian Shale formations with many wells producing consistently for more than 10 years.
KRP also manages more than 100,000 acres of forest land in the Eastern Deciduous Forest producing high quality hardwoods used and exported around the world.
In 1997, KRP began working with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife in an Elk Restoration project which re-introduced Elk to eastern Kentucky.
KRP’s holdings in the Illinois Basin, principally in southern Illinois and southern Indiana, are also managed from the Hazard office. These holdings consist of over 100,000 acres of surface, mineral, oil and gas, and fee properties, and include several areas of potential mineral development. Freedom Energy, LLC and Liberty Land, LLC, two of KRP’s subsidiaries that operate in the Illinois Basin, are housed in the Hazard office as well.
Freedom Energy and Liberty Land both engage in various coal, oil and gas, timber, agriculture, and hunting leases on our properties. They currently seek expansion of these operations and maintain a positive presence in the area.

Lexington, Kentucky Office
The Lexington, Kentucky office of Kentucky River Properties is located at 360 East Vine Street, Suite 310, Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky. The office was established in 1915 and has been the corporate headquarters of the company since its creation. Formed in 1915, Kentucky River Coal Corporation was the culmination of coal, oil and gas, and fee acquisition activities of several individuals and entities including Tennis Coal Company, Lost Creek Coal Company, Slemp Coal Company, and Rockhouse Realty. Kentucky River Coal Corporation was incorporated in Virginia in 1915, while opening its offices in Lexington, Kentucky. Kentucky River Coal Corporation made the decision in the early 2000’s to transition into a limited liability company, and therefore, the company is now known as Kentucky River Properties LLC.
Corporate management and accounting for Kentucky River Properties, as well as Timberlands, LLC, KRCC Oil and Gas, LLC, Freedom Energy, LLC and Liberty Land, LLC are provided at the Lexington office. The Lexington office is the home for the President and CEO, General Counsel, Vice President of Finance and Corporate Operations, Vice President of Finance and Corporate Development, along with Administrative Assistants.
While the corporate office has always been located in the Blue Grass region, the roots of the company run deep in Eastern Kentucky where the company was born. This region will always be “home” to Kentucky River Properties, and while we continue to expand into other regions of the country, we will never forget the place of our birth. Appropriately named, the majority of the land held by the company sits in the head waters of the mighty Kentucky River.